<aside> ⚠️ This guide assumes existing familiarity and comfort with Bristlemouth development. We expect the reader has gone through the Bristlemouth Development Kit User Guides, including the guide on firmware updates over Bristlemouth: Guide: Bristlemouth Mote Firmware Updates, and are comfortable establishing USB serial connections to Bristlemouth devices and Spotter, and interacting with their CLIs.

For now, managing firmware versions of the complete system is complicated and geared towards more experienced developers. If you find yourself needing help to decipher these docs or get your system updated, don’t hesitate to reach out on the Bristlemouth community forums. There’s a bit of a learning curve here, but we think it’s worth it to stay on the latest version of Bristlemouth in the rapid phase of early development.

Stay tuned for more updates, and please bear with us. A big focus of our upcoming development efforts are to make these processes and supporting tools simple and accessible to a broader range of users.


System Overview

A Bristlemouth Spotter Application consists of 3 basic elements running firmware – the ‘Main’ Spotter processor, the Spotter to Bristlemouth ‘Bridge’ ****processor (essentially the Mote that lives inside of Spotter), and any number of Bristlemouth ‘Modules’ (Dev Kits, sensors, etc.) with their own ‘Mote’ processors.

System diagram showing the three classes of processors in a Bristlemouth Spotter system.

System diagram showing the three classes of processors in a Bristlemouth Spotter system.

Step 0: Refresher

If this is your first time through this process, or you might be a little rusty, we recommend you read the Overview section in detail, and familiarize yourself with the three update methods described here: Overview

Step 1: Retrieving Version Information

Before updating your system, first you need to retrieve the current versions and key information from the Spotter and Bristlemouth modules. Follow this guide to capture all of this information:

Guide: Retrieving Version Information From Spotter & Bristlemouth Systems

Step 2: Should I Update My Firmware?

After collecting version and system information, you can determine if any firmware updates are necessary. Work through the checklist in this guide:

Guide: Determine if Spotter & Bristlemouth Firmware Updates Are Needed

Step 3: Updating Firmware (if needed)

Now that you know what needs updating, follow this guide to apply the firmware updates:

Guide: Updating Firmware In A Spotter & Bristlemouth System

Other Related Guides

Bootstrapping Bristlemouth Modules

A guide for updating Bristlemouth systems across incompatible protocol versions using only the Bristlemouth protocol. For when individual modules aren’t easily separable or accessible.

Bootstrapping Bristlemouth Modules Guide

Firmware Versions Tables

These tables keep track of releases firmware versions for Bristlemouth Applications, Spotter Applications and Bristlemouth Bootloaders. Download links and release notes are provided, as well as information on compatibility between the different application types.