Parent Page: Guide: Managing Spotter & Bristlemouth Firmware Versions

Should I Update My Firmware?

You should already have completed:

After collecting version and system information, you can determine if any firmware updates are necessary. Work through the checklist below, and for each system take note of whether an update is needed and which update methods are suitable if so.

Work through the complete checklist here before starting any updates, which are covered in the next guide.

Bristlemouth Modules

  1. Is the Bootloader version greater than or equal to the latest Bootloader Version release version? The latest release is in the table view below:


     *The complete Bristlemouth Bootloaders version table is available [[here](<>)].*

    ✅ ⇒ I don’t need to update my module’s bootloader, and if I need to update the application I can do so via the Bristlemouth bootloader if desired.

    ❌ ⇒ I should update my module’s firmware to the latest release using SWD or DFU.

  2. Are all my Bristlemouth modules on an application version that is greater than or equal to the latest Bristlemouth Version release’s minor version (the middle number)? The latest release is in the table view below:


     *The complete Bristlemouth Application Versions table is available [[here](<>)].*

    ✅ ⇒ I don’t need to update my Bristlemouth module’s application. If its bootloader is up-to-date as well, I don’t need to update it at all.

    ❌ ⇒ I should update my module’s firmware to the latest released version.

Spotter Bristlemouth Bridge

  1. Is my Spotter’s Bridge Processor firmware bootloader version greater than or equal to the latest Bootloader Version release version? The latest release is in the table view below:


     *The complete Bristlemouth Bootloaders version table is available [[here](<>)].*

    ✅ ⇒ I don’t need to update my Bridge’s bootloader, and if I need to update my Bridge’s application I can do so via Spotter using Bristlemouth.

    ❌ ⇒ My Bridge’s bootloader is very likely out of date. I can confirm this over a direct USB connection to the Bridge, and if so should update my Bridge via USB DFU.

  2. Is my Spotter’s Bridge Processor firmware application version greater than or equal to the latest Bristlemouth Version release’s minor version (the middle number)? The latest release is in the table view below:


    *The complete Bristlemouth Application Versions table is available [[here](<>)].*

    ✅ ⇒ I don’t need to update my Spotter’s Bridge Processor application.

    ❌ ⇒ I should update my Bridge’s application, but can do so using Bristlemouth if the Bootloader is up-to-date.

Spotter Main Processor

  1. Is my Spotter application up-to-date per the latest release, which is shown in the table below?


     *The complete Main Spotter Application Versions table is available [[here](<>)].*

    ✅ ⇒ I don’t need to update my Spotter’s Main firmware.

    ❌ ⇒ I should update my Spotter application to the latest version.

Once you’ve gone through the checklist above, proceed to Guide: Updating Firmware In A Spotter & Bristlemouth System if you need to update any parts of your system.