Parent Page: Guide: Managing Spotter & Bristlemouth Firmware Versions

Retrieving Version Information

Before updating your system, first you need to retrieve the current versions and key information from the Spotter and Bristlemouth modules. There are a variety of mechanisms to retrieve this information depending on the specifics of your systems and comfort working in the Command Line. Follow the guide below to capture the needed information from your system, and write it down somewhere for the next step.

Spotter Main Processor

Information to capture:

Option 1 - Spotter USB CLI: Connect to your Spotter over USB serial and send the info command. A variety of system information will be printed between info and info end lines, including the APP_NAME, which should be “spotter_bm”, and the firmware version.

**> info**

APP_NAME: spotter_bm
FW Version: v2.15.1
info end

Option 2 - Spotter SD Card: Alternatively, you can check the log/0000_SYS.log log file on your Spotter’s SD card, which will print the same information when the Spotter boots.

Spotter Bridge Processor

Information to capture:

Option 1 - Spotter USB CLI: If your Spotter Main Processor firmware version is greater than or equal to 2.13.0, you can ****connect to your Spotter over USB serial and enter the bm info 0 ****command. A list of “Neighbor information:” will be printed for each connected Bristlemouth device. The first set of information will always pertain to the Bridge processor. Take note of the Node ID (your Bridge’s unique Bristlemouth ID), and VersionStr (which shows the app name and version).

**> bm info 0**

Successfully sent info request
Neighbor information:
Node ID: 8ea72f82cd09c1ae
VersionStr: [email protected]

Option 2 - Spotter SD Card: Alternatively (if your Spotter Main Processor firmware version is less than 2.13), you can check the log/0000_BRIDGE_CFG.log log file on your Spotter’s SD card, which will print the version of the Bridge firmware like:

10641t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Bridge network info CRC: 939eddb0
**10641t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Bridge FW Version: Major: 0 Minor: 4 Revision: 0**
10641t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Bridge sys config partition CRC: 145b2cba
**10641t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Bridge toplogy: 8ea72f82cd09c1ae | fa1a30334d200277**