Firmware Versions Tables

These tables keep track of releases firmware versions for Bristlemouth Applications, Spotter Applications and Bristlemouth Bootloaders. Download links and release notes are provided, as well as information on compatibility between the different application types.

Bristlemouth Application Firmware Versions

This table describes all Bristlemouth firmware versions that have shipped on production systems, as well as the latest recommended stable version for developers. Detailed release notes (as well as details on the many intermediate versions) can be found in the GitHub repository release log here:

Bristlemouth Application Firmware Versions

Main Spotter Application Firmware Versions

The Main Spotter firmware versions for Bristlemouth systems are versioned separately from Bristlemouth, and are available in the table below. The table also describes the corresponding versions of Bristlemouth that are compatible with a given Spotter firmware version.

Note - the releases currently available on the main Sofar Ocean support site are not for Bristlemouth Spotters!

Main Spotter Application Firmware Versions

Bristlemouth Bootloader Versions

The Bristlemouth bootloader will change very infrequently, and only to improve specific reliability or security issues. However, the bootloader is versioned with the app. So if your bootloader version is 0.9 it is identical to the 0.3 bootloader, the 0.11 bootloader is identical to the 0.10 bootloader etc. You only need to update your bootloader if its version is less than the latest release - it does not need to be identical to the latest release. All new application versions will be backwards compatible with all previous bootloader versions.

Bristlemouth Bootloader Firmware Versions